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Episode 12


Jan 20, 2022
hosted by Hannah Clark
Episode 12 UGC

WTF is user generated content (UGC) and why should L&Ders even care about it? Well because it’s a little marketing for learning® secret, that we’re sure you’re going to love. UGC is a great way to spice up your marketing game by tapping into the experience of your audience and getting them to market your learning for you! (Sneaky, right?!)

This authentic approach to marketing can be in any kind of format you can imagine, images, videos, testimonials, reviews and much more. UGC is a great way to win the hearts and minds of your target audience, because let’s face it, they’re more likely to believe a colleague or peer, than you with your ulterior motive! In fact, 92% of people trust a review from another person more than a piece of branded content.

In this podcast Han explores how you can utilise UGC in your marketing for learning efforts, including:

  • Selfie-style videos recorded by your learners, talking about their learning experience.

  • A success story – or case study – on a hugely successful learner.

  • Testimonials from your cohorts (with photos and names!)

So if you’re ready to get your people helping you with your marketing efforts, give this pod a listen!


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