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Episode 83

Is Learning at Work Week Worth It?

May 15, 2024
Ashley Headshot
hosted by Ashley Hinchcliffe

Ah yes, another year, another Learning at Work Week. Cue a flurry of marketing activities.

This week Ash raises an important question: Is LAWW doing more harm than good, or should we be doing marcomms around this?

Learning at Work Week, if you aren't familiar, is one week in the calendar year dedicated to all things learning. And it's become a bit of a Hallmark holiday for L&D. But, when we're learning all the time at work, isn't one week a bit of a misnomer?

In this pod episode, Ash talks about her experience of Learning at Work Week, and it's overall impact on marketing for learning.

It's not quite a typical Ashley rant, but nearly 🤣 Enjoy!


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