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Episode 11


Jan 07, 2022
Ashley Headshot
hosted by Ashley Sinclair
Episode 11 Branding is in the mind

L&D without branding is like MAAS without pineapples – utterly bewildering and way less impactful. No matter which way you look at it, branding is a crucial aspect of a corporate identity that can help to evoke certain emotions in people and build trust with its customers – and in your case, that’s your learners. However, when it comes to L&D, people often neglect their branding. They use generic stock imagery or put no thought into their logos, colour palettes, tone of voice, visual identity, or visual language. And this is a terrible oversight.

In this podcast, Ash examines why it’s time L&D start taking branding a lot more seriously, including how:

  • Building on your personas is important when developing your L&D brand, considering what your audience wants, needs and expects from you.

  • You must understand the psychology of branding to effectively communicate your ethos to your people.

  • An L&D brand can impact your overall learning outcomes, keeping your brand front-of-mind at all times.

We all know first impressions count, right? So listen to this podcast if you want to learn how to make a great first – and lasting – impression with your audience once and for all.


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